TLA Junior Agent – Jesse Lee (AKA “Kestrel”)

Kestrel is the first, and only, Inspired agent hired by the TLA – a top-secret experimental program making him the only Genius in an organization of mortals tasked with keeping the world intact. He brings the high-velocity mad-science gadgets and the Peerage-friendly cover, while Altmann brings a steady hand and years of field experience.
Kestrel hasn’t had much of a life outside of work since he got picked up by the TLA, but he likes to think he’s good at his job, in his own way. Still, his relationship with the agency hasn’t always been great. On the whole, the TLA distrusts the Inspired – and, training aside, he’s still pretty obviously Inspired. He feels better having Altmann on his side, especially when things get tough. Maybe he can prove there’s a reason to keep him around.
TLA Senior Agent – Bruce Altmann

Altmann transferred into the TLA from the IRS, after gaining a reputation for being able to pick out fraud, corruption, and worse from just a few lines on a spreadsheet. It takes a lot to phase him these days, as one of the few non-beholden comfortable working at the intersection of the Inspired and ‘mortal’ worlds.
Decisive to a fault, he spearheaded the idea of picking up an Inspired agent three years ago, and hired Lee less than a week after his proposal was approved. Rogers nearly had a heart attack – but thankfully, they work well together. Maybe too well, depending on who you ask. Altmann’s a well-respected agent, but a stubborn one, and a soft spot in the wrong circumstances could be a danger – to both the agency and to Lee.
OLT Special Agent – Bridget Pareto (AKA “Clockwise”)

Humanity suffers from a plague of wasted time and lost opportunity- and Clockwise knows she’s the only one who can fix it. Embittered by rejection among the Peerage, she found her niche in Lemuria as an intelligence operative with the Office of the Seventh Treasure (OLT). The OLT itself is quite amenable to grand scheming – and grand scheming is what Clockwise does best.
But her machinations were threatened six months ago, when a chance encounter introduced Clockwise to Kestrel, and Kestrel to the OLT. Forced back undercover in the Peerage to do damage control, feigning remorse and redemption, she’s waiting for the right moment to kickstart her schemes – and exact revenge.
Beholden Executive Assistant – Quinn O’Sullivan

Quinn didn’t set out to become a Beholden – they thought they were applying for an office assistant job. But they found they had a knack for keeping even the most chaotic Inspired on track with a few well-placed highlighter strokes. Quinn’s been with the Peerage longer than some Geniuses have now, and has made waves campaigning for beholden’s rights. Their next goal: getting a foot in the door of Peerage government.
With the veil between Lemuria and the Peerage ever thinning, the web of who’s-spying-on-who can get messy. There’s bound to be some cross-pollination somewhere – which is how Quinn met Clockwise a while back. Clockwise was focused and ruthlessly organized like no other Genius she’d met. The two were quick to start an alliance. It works well – Quinn’s happy to help any plan run smoothly, and their campaign could use the help. Plus, it’s always more fun to take over the world with a friend.
TLA Director of Operations – Hank Rogers

Rogers is Lee and Altmann’s boss. A patient man, who knows when to turn a blind eye to a bent rule, but fiercely loyal to the agency. He values structure and calm efficiency. He’s aware that he’s not making things easy on himself.
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